Menopause Awareness day – 18th October 2022

Menopause Awareness day – 18th October 2022

The Menopause usually starts between 45-55 years of age but you can get symptoms for years leading up to this. Some women have no symptoms at all but for 3 in 10 women, the symptoms are so severe, they can have a big impact on their lives.

Menopause symptoms include your period becoming more unpredictable with changes in flow. Your mood may be low, you may feel more anxious, have a lower self-esteem and difficulties with memory and concentration. Physical symptoms can include hot flushes, night sweats, difficulty sleeping, muscle aches and pains, headaches, reduced sex drive, vaginal dryness or soreness and increased urinary tract infections. You may want to assess and track your symptoms using the free balance app

Small changes can make a big difference to menopause symptoms


Eat lots of fruit and vegetables

Calcium & vitamin D will help boost your bone health



Regularly try to get 7 to 9 hours sleep – remember even if your sleep is disrupted your body is resting



Weight bearing exercise may help your symptoms, improve your bone strength and heart health


Relaxation and mindfulness can help you to manage your symptoms better


Alcohol can increase hot flushes, night sweats, disrupt your sleep and increase your risk of breast cancer

Avoid smoking



Connect with the people around you, with family and friends. Building connections will support you and enrich you everyday

If you are struggling with your symptoms despite these simple steps, or you are concerned about future health risks such as osteoporosis, you may wish to consider treatment with HRT or non-hormonal therapy. Have a read of this NHS Menopause leaflet and book a GP appointment if you would like to discuss this further.

Download the menopause self help sheet here